Coatings for Low-E Technology

Your Window of Opportunity for Energy Savings.

Architectural glazing utilizes Low Emissivity (‘Low-E’) glass coatings. This metric describes the coating’s ability to reject ultraviolet and infrared light from passing while maintaining the maximum amount of visible light transmission.


Carbon Emissions from Buildings: A Challenge and Expense.

It’s widely recognized that the conditioning of buildings accounts for approximately 40% of carbon emissions to the environment. Not only does this contribute to Global Warming, but it’s also a major operating expense. It’s also widely recognized that humans respond and perform better when exposed to more natural light. Research has shown that people are more productive, happier, healthier, and calmer when exposed to natural lighting. This “Daylighting” is in high demand in the commercial and residential markets. Conventional solutions to creating low-e glass have been developed over decades, but require a complex process involving multiple coatings of expensive materials to achieve the required performance. 


We are developing a unique approach to this problem with our proprietary Photonic Smart Coating (PSC™). This coating consists of layers of cost-effective materials that can be adjusted to meet the specific needs of different types of windows (residential, commercial, or automotive).

To achieve the right balance of ultraviolet/infrared light rejection and visible light transmission, we address the waves at the atomic level. Utilizing our PSC™ technology, these performance parameters can be addressed, along with accommodating various color requirements — a very important feature for architectural glass. 

Clearly Better Performance.


Our Low-E Technology Saves Energy Costs. And the Environment. 

We’ve created our proprietary Low-E technology to have the following benefits:

  • Higher Production at Lower Cost

  • Improving 'Daylighting'

  • Reducing heat gain, and the need for HVAC

  • Saving energy and greatly reducing carbon emissions

The R&D Behind Low-E.

We’ve invested in cutting-edge lab technology — allowing us to produce and test Low-E window coatings efficiently and effectively.

Climate Change is a Numbers Game.

Climate Change is a Numbers Game.

We’re Helping Customers — and the Environment — Win. 

As of 2020, 80 countries have signed ‘The Paris Agreement’ – the largest International Treaty on Climate Change in history. It means countries will require new energy standards to curb Carbon Emissions and try to combat the increasingly deadly and destructive impact of an ever-warming planet. Our goal at SunDensity is to make a contribution to this effort through improved energy efficiency in commercial and residential buildings using our proprietary Low-E technology.

Unlock Your Energy Savings Potential
with Low-E Technology

Discover how SunDensity's revolutionary Low-E technology can lower your energy costs, reduce your carbon footprint, and enhance the comfort and productivity of your spaces. Don't miss your window of opportunity for substantial savings and environmental impact. Reach out to us today for more details or if you have any questions.